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Month: December 2015

New Year Traditions & Superstitions

New Year Traditions & Superstitions

The other day a thought popped into my head, “Why is it a tradition to kiss on New Years Eve?”.  I know I certainly look forward to sharing a kiss with my loved ones, but why do we do it?  So after a bit of research…

The Frosted Cranberry Cocktail

The Frosted Cranberry Cocktail

Have you found yourself wrapped up in brown paper packages and tied up with string? If so, here is my new favorite thing… This cocktail was created by my very talented sister who has been generous enough to allow me to share her new creation!  This…

DIY Holiday Gift Baskets

DIY Holiday Gift Baskets

  Awhile ago I was scrolling through my pins on Pintrest and I ran across this craft idea created by liagriffith.com. She had taken paper grocery bags and upcycled them into berry baskets!  I was instantly inspired by her idea and I had to give…